Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Adventures of Bubba Bear and Principessa Pickle Bug

Bubba Bear and Princepessa Pickle Bug
(a photo is worth a thousand words!)

Hello all!

Well, as I have proven to be lousy at most forms of communication with loved ones these days (cannot seem to email photos, return phone calls, or do anything which could be considered as thoughtful communication), I thought I would try blogging to keep everyone updated on the going's on of the Fogal (and Eckert) kiddos.

Addie began Middle School and so far is loving every "grown up" minute of it; from changing classes to having more choices in school - she is off to a great start. Now will someone please tell me how it is possible that I am old enough to have her for a daughter???

Emma just returned from an visit to Sweden to visit her extended relatives. She started school as well, but I think she would rather be back in Sweden!

Jackson (aka Bubba Bear) starts school next week, and today we went for a visit to see his new classroom. He turned 2 last Saturday - YIKES, how is THAT possible? He definitely enjoyed his birthday cake (thanks Grammie!), as you can see in the photo. He is still going to therapy several days a week, and we continued to be amazed by him. There is so much joy in this little boy - also a LOT of mischief as well, think we can blame his Dada for that! He loves to read (particuarly fond of Brown Bear, Brown Bear), sing (Itsy Bitsy Spider is a current fav) and do silly things, like chasing water bottles around the house.

Isabella (aka Principessa Pickle Bug) is growing and now thinks she is through being a baby. She is ready for a job. She is a very, very intense little thing, who is just certain that she will be able to sit, crawl and walk by the end of the week.

Stay tuned for more adventures of Bubba Bear and Princepessa Pickle Bug!


Blogger Amy Flege said...

Felicia.. your kids are so cute. i love the one of jackson with his tongue out!! priceless~

9:41 AM  
Blogger Felicia said...

Thank you so much...poor Bella Boo was not so certain. I think she thought we were giving her up to the wolves!

10:44 AM  

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