Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

I have been tagged - not exactly sure what this is, as I am very new to blogging but here it goes. This time I was tagged by my friend Katrina.

1. What was your favorite thing about being a kid?
Rollerskating, listening to "oldie's" music with my dad on Sundays and playing music trivia games with him.

2. What was your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subjects were Government and Dance. I ended up studying Political Science in college. And as for Dance, I danced up until fairly recently, when I decided that I was too old!

3. Who was your best friend when you were 10?
Have to answer with two people; Alison and Edith. I am still friends with both of them.

4. If you could be any animal what would you be?
Definitely not my dog...she has definitely been neglected since all the young kiddos have come along (poor Maggie). So, I would have to say maybe a seal. Not sure why, I just love these at the zoo.

5. What would you change about your school, occupation, life right now?
Hmmmm...definitely would have paid more attention in school and appreciated it more. I would love to have obtained my Masters Degree. Now, I would really love to study photography, and as for life...just a bit more sleep. But other than that, life is prety groovy!

6. What's your favorite color?
Browns, Deep Reds, Pumpkin - definitely autumn colors.

7. What's your favorite type of crust and topping on a pizza?
Thin wheat crust, with canadian bacon, green bell peppers and onion.

OK, so who to tag. I tag:
Michelle - Big Blueberry Eyes and Amy - The Flege Farm


Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks for tagging me ... I actually did this one already though :) You can see my answers here:

It was fun reading your answers! :)

3:01 PM  

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